Rejecting cookies

There seems to be an increasing number of websites now that are finally coming round to the act that they should not set cookies unless the user accepts them. They do this by having an Accept / Reject button which is great and fulfils the requirement nicely. On visiting the site one can simply press Reject All or whatever and then no cookies should be set other than those classed as strictly necessary. True, there are still many websites whose designers falsely consider that advertising cookies are strictly necessary but many websites are now far more compliant than they were a few years ago.

However, not being too negative on thise conforming websites but does anyone actually check the number of users clicking Accept vs Reject? That kind of information, which can of course be collected entirely anonymously (developers please note!) would be most useful. It occurs to me - and I can't be the only one - that if a website clearly gives the choice to reject all these cookies and still functions without, then if people are generally rejecting them why do they even need them. It would be far nicer if these websites simply did not use those cookies in the first place.